The Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is located in Central Africa, bordering the Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola. Until 1960 it was Belgian colonial possession. Until 1998, the country was called the Republic of Zaire.

Area - 2 million 345 thousand square kilometers.

Population is about 70 million people. The ethnic composition is diverse. The major nations are Kongo, Lunda, Luba, Mongo, Azande, Rundu, Nyaruanda and Bangui. Most of the residents speak the local language Bantu dialects. 59% of the population are Christians, 42% - Catholics, 14% - Protestants and 3% - Orthodox, about 6% - the followers of Islam. More than 3% of the country's citizens are followers of African Christian sects.

Official language is French. Lingala, Kikongo, Tshiluba and Swahili have the status of national languages.

Currency - Congolese franc ($1 = 910 Congolese francs)

Capital - Kinshasa (about 12 million people).Major cities are Lubumbashi, Kisangani.

Political system. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a presidential republic. The next presidential elections will be on November 28, 2011. The President leads the armed forces and the government. The Constitution came into effect on February 18, 2006.
Administrative division. Consists of 11 provinces (including the capital Kinshasa), administered by Governors (executive authority) and Provincial Assemblies (legislative authority).
The major institutions of power are the DRC President, the Government, the National Assembly and the Senate (Upper House of Parliament) and judicial authorities.

President - Joseph Kabila (President and Chief of armed forces of DRC, replaced his father the president L.D.Kabila in January 2001, who was killed in an attack). He was re-elected in 2006 and 2011.

Parliament consists of two houses: the National Assembly (NA) - the lower house of the Congolese Parliament and the Senate (upper house of parliament).

National Day is the Independence Day on June 30 (1960).

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