International Associations and Working Groups

The issue about the nature of relations between the Secretariat of Interelectro and international associations and working groups is important.
Implementation of current tasks and decisions of the Council of Interelectro realized through working groups and associations. The Secretariat of Interelectro coordinates this work.
International associations and working groups are voluntary associations of enterprises and other organizations, which are created in order to implement joint activities on the nomenclature and technical fields, which are secured by organizations of Interelectro.
Associations are organized on the basis of cost accounting, self-financing and self-management.
The association is a legal entity. Today within the bounds of Interelectro are four associations and two working groups, which cover almost the entire nomenclature of products of electric machine industry.
To coordinate the work in problem-solving between international associations and working groups was  signed the Agreement, which regulates this interaction and decision making on complex questions of international scientific and technological cooperation, recovery of lost connections, identify export-import potential, creating various forms, joint intergovernmental and intersectorial economic organizations for successful solutions within the bounds of Interelectro.
It should be noted, that as electrical engineering is the most science intensive and basis creating sector of mechanical engineering, the determining level of development of other economy sectors of countries, the great importance acquires the international scientific and technical cooperation in this field. Without the close cooperation between scientists and practice development of the industry is impossible. In this connection it is useful to pay more attention to the programs developed in Interelectro to legal and organizational issues for organizing the cooperation between member states of Interelectro, identification of mechanism of joint projects investment. One of the activities of the Secretariat of Interelectro is the work with producers of equipment and materials of alternative energy. The working group is the organization department of the Secretariat of Interelectro, where work notable scientists in a specific field of re-energetics, including representatives of non Interelectro countries - Sweden, Italy and Morocco.
International Associations
• IA "Interbat"
• IA "Intercable"
• IA "Interelectromash"
Working groups
• «Reenergetika"
• «Electric welding and thermal-electric equipment."




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