Federal Republic of Somalia

The official name is Federal Republic of Somalia - African state, a member of the United Nations from 20 September 1960.

The relief of the country is mainly flat. In the north and in the area between the Jubba and Webi Shabeelie dominated plateau of 500-1500 m height, composed mainly of sandstones and limestones. In depressions of the plateau collects rain water, since olden times they are a source of drinking water. Plateaus separated by wide shallow valleys (Nogal, Daror, etc.), which have roads and caravan routes, linking interiors with the coast.

The northern edge of the plateau is dissected by deep gorges. There’s towering mountains Uarsanzheli-Midzhurtina (highest point – 2406 m, Mount Surud-Ag). In the north and the south-east Somalia plateau is surrounded by lowlands. Due to the dry climate and high water resistance plateau anhydrous rocks, which hinders the development of agriculture and the emergence of permanent settlements. Since ancient times, this is an area predominantly nomadic herding.

In the area between the Juba and Shabelle Webi, there are deposits of ore minerals – iron ore in Burgalane, as well as uranium-thorium ore in the area of Bur Acaba and uranium-vanadium ore in Mudug. Near Mogadishu in the early 1980s, have been found oil and gas reserves, and in southern Somalia – titanium ore.

Somalia climate is dry and hot. The temperature in winter is + 23-24 °, in summer + 26-34 °. During the year the main part of Somali territory receives only 200-300 mm of rainfall (in the south-west it is up to 600 mm).

From the rivers of the country only Juba and Shabelle Webi do not dry up. These valleys and rivers form the major tracts of arable land.

Almost 90% of the territory is occupied by Somalia’s vast grass-shrub semi-deserts and dry savannas. The grass cover is dominated by perennial grasses. Among the shrubs you will find acacia and tamarisk, also many spurges.

Somalia fauna is very diverse. In savannas and semi-deserts live various species of antelope and zebra, giraffe, buffalo and a variety of predators - lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals. Coastal bushes of river valleys are inhabited by elephants, rhinos, warthogs, monkeys. In the rivers live hippos and crocodiles. There are lots of birds, reptiles and a variety of insects. Somali coastal waters are rich in fish and shrimp.

Population - 9,330,872 people (estimate for 2010). About 98% of the population - different tribes with a common self-name "Somali" refer to the Ethiopian (East African) race. Languages belong to the group of Cushitic languages of Afro-Asiatic language family. Writing in Somali established in 1973 and is based on the Latin alphabet.

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