The Republic of Belarus

General information. Territory - 207.6 square kilometers. In the east shares border with the Russian Federation, in the south - with Ukraine, in the west - with Poland, in the north-west - with Lithuania and Latvia.

Belarus is divided into six regions and 118 districts. The country has 110 towns, 101 urban-type settlements and 24,022 villages.

Capital - Minsk.

Largest cities: Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno, Brest.

Population. The population is 9.7 million people. Ethnic groups: 81% - Belarusians, 11% - Russians, 4% - Poles, 2% - Ukrainians.

Official languages are Belarusian and Russian.

Political system. Belarus is a unitary democratic constitutional state. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Belarus adopted on July 27, 1990.
National holiday – the Independence Day (the Republic Day) of 1997, celebrated on July 3 - the date of the country's liberation from Nazi invaders.

The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of state. Presidential term is five years. On December 19, 2010, were held elections of the President and A.G. Lukashenko was re-elected for a fourth term.

Parliament - the National Assembly is a representative legislature. It consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. Term of office is 4 years.
In Belarus is stable political and economic situation.

The country's leadership adheres to social market economic model, with the maintenance of the crucial role of public administration (80% of the economy is the public sector). President A. Lukashenko has authority and support in the country.
Economy. Over a period of the last few years in the country maintain the positive dynamics of GDP growth rates, which in 2008 increased by 10%. Industrial and agricultural production increased by 10.8% and 8.9% respectively, investment in fixed assets - by 23%. The inflation rate in 2008 was 13.3%. Steadily is rising the standard of living. The real income of the population in 2008 increased by 12.5% and reached $430 USA. The unemployment rate remained low - about 1.2% of the economically active population.
According to the ranking of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Belarus belongs to the group of countries with relatively high level of human development, ranking 53rd place in the world.
Foreign trade. Belarus trades with 180 countries. Its foreign trade turnover in 2008 increased by 36.7% and reached 72.4 billion dollars, while the trade deficit reached $ 6.5 billion dollars.
Major trading partners are: Russia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Germany, China, Poland, Venezuela, Latvia, Italy and Brazil.

Сurrency - Belarusian ruble.
Basic principles of the foreign policy of Belarus are multi vector, independence and non-nuclear status.
Republic established diplomatic relations with 164 states. In 60 countries there are Belarusian diplomatic representations. In Minsk are 42 embassies, 19 general and honorary consulates and 13 international organizations.
Russia-Belarus relations have been developing in the making of the Union State. Agreement on its establishment and the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Treaty, which was signed on December 8, 1999 in Moscow, establish the direction and degree of integration. To the creation of the Union State Community preceded activities of Russia and Belarus community (since April 1996) and the Union of Belarus and Russia (since April 1997). Diplomatic relations between Russia and Belarus established on June 25, 1992.
There are established the governing bodies of the Union State - The Supreme State Council, which consists of the heads of states, parliaments and governments and the Council of Ministers, composed of the members of government. There is acting the Parliamentary Assembly, as well as the working body of the Union State - the Standing Committee.

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