International Association "Interbat"

About the International Association "Interbat"
International Association of producers of chemical elements and equipment for their production "Interbat" (IA "Interbat") was founded in 1991 on the initiative of companies, enterprises and organizations, which developed, manufactured and marketed constant-current sources of all types, as well as the equipment and materials for their production.
Currently, the Association is composed of 24 companies, associations and enterprises from Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

The main tasks of the Association are:
• the provision of practical assistance to members of the Association in their productive and technical and commercial activities;
• assistance in the productive and scientific-technical cooperation, modernization of manufacturing capacity and joint ventures;
• the organization and execution of works on improving the environment at enterprises, which  produce chemical elements;
• assistance in execution of works for product certification;
• execution of works on materials recovery and used elements;
• search for potential partners among members of the Association, as well as among organizations, businesses and firms, which are non-members of the Association;
• the organization of connections with industrial organizations, which develop and produce materials, used in the manufacture of chemical elements;
• organization of holding of joint research and development activities;
• information service in the field of competitive scientific and technological developments, productions, materials and manufacturing equipment;
• organization and holding of special-purpose exhibitions, presentations, symposia and conferences on chemical elements.
The Association consists of three sections:
• lead chemical elements;
• alkaline chemical elements;
• primary and small secondary chemical elements.
The supreme body of the Association is the general meeting of the Association members. The general meeting is held at least once a year, breakup groups meetings are held 1-2 times per year.

Executive body of the Association is the executive directorate, which is located in Moscow, Russia.
IA "Intebrat" is a nonprofit institution, opened for all comers. IA "Interbat"



The Chief of the Interbat (Russia)

Soldatenko Vladimir Andreevich
tel.: (495) 691-5785  

fax: (499) 248-4653


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