Electric welding and thermal-electric equipment
About the International Working Group "Electric welding and thermal-electric equipment" (WG-10)
International Working Group, "Electric welding and thermal-electric equipment" (WG-10) was established in 1995.
Main activities:
- Participation in the development and subsequent implementation of tasks of the scientific and technical programs, including interstate to build equipment, materials and technologies in the Working Group;
- Assistance in the creation of welding, high frequency, ultrasonic and electro-thermal equipment and next generation technologies;
- Assistance in promotion of new original home developments to the domestic and international market;
- Assistance for WG members and other interested companies and enterprises in the implementation of industrial production, market research on their application, procurement in conclusion of contracts and agreements;
- Solutions of certification, standardization, training and skills development;
- Organization of work and participation in national and international trade fairs in Russia and other countries;
- The exchange of scientific and technical achievements, product advertizing.